Am I Ready for A Baby

Deciding on parenthood can be a challenge if you don’t have all the information you need to make a confident decision. Some women have a particular pregnancy option they plan on carrying out. However, women must have access to adequate information about all pregnancy options in order to make complete, comprehensive and confident decisions about their pregnancy. Options for Women / River Falls is your hub for pregnancy information to help you make an empowered decision.

Am I Ready For A Baby “Pros and Cons” List

Create a “Pros and Cons” list. It’s a personalized approach to helping you put all your thoughts on paper. You may label your topics as “Abortion,” “Adoption,” and “Parenting.” Consider “Pros” and “Cons” for each topic.

You may feel relief after the completion of your “Pros and Cons” list because your many thoughts are visible to you on a list that you created, filled out, and processed.

Things to Consider

Whether you decide to create your own “Pros and Cons” list, there are important matters to consider: physical support, emotional support, situational support, and practical support.

You may begin to ask yourself questions:

 “What are potential risks and side effects of…”

“Are there emotional side effects of…”

“What is the difference between…”

“What are the benefits of…”

“How can I be sure…”

Ideas for these questions can help you start processing your pregnancy decision. Maybe you want medical information or factual information about the different pregnancy options…Options for Women / River Falls gives you information about all  your pregnancy options: abortion, adoption, and parenting.

You Have Pregnancy Support Options

What Can You Expect at Options for Women / River Falls…

You can meet with your Certified Client Advocate and Licensed Nurse for your Pregnancy Health Assessment. Pregnancy Health Assessments include no-cost services for: Lab-quality pregnancy testing. If your pregnancy test is positive, an ultrasound may be performed to determine exactly how far along you are and if your pregnancy is viable (looks like it will carry to term or naturally end/miscarry).

You can decide on/qualify for an STI test. We offer chlamydia and gonorrhea testing on the same day. Tests for pregnancy testing and STI testing are both done by collecting a urine sample.

You have information…

We understand that you have pregnancy information to process, discuss, and consider. You have practical support options. We specialize in pregnancy support. Whether you need information to apply for health insurance, need help to create a financial plan, decide you could benefit from professional counseling through our local referrals, or just don’t know where to begin, Options for Women / River Falls is here for you.

Contact Information

Want to chat more about whether you are ready for a baby? We would be honored to be a resource to you. Clinic Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday – 10:30 AM until 5:00 PM / Tuesday and Thursday – 11:00 AM until 7:00 PM

Location: 214 North Main Street River Falls, WI 54022

Call: 715-425-8539

To Schedule: Call 715-425-8539, Schedule Online, or Walk-In