What Is The Difference Between STI and STD?
A common question we come across is, “What is the difference between STI and STD?” As stated by our nurse staff, “STD has been replaced with STI. They describe the same thing, but calling them Sexually Transmitted Infections is more accurate.” An STI (Sexually Transmitted Infection) is an infection one can receive through any form of sexual intercourse. It is common for people to use STI and STD interchangeably to describe a condition that is in need of treatment. Sexually Transmitted Infections are caused by a virus, bacteria, or parasite. With more than twenty-five major types, it is a good idea to know what to look for and what to do if the need arises for a check-up.
Why Should I Get Tested?
Getting tested for a Sexually Transmitted Infection is important for your health and well-being. Sexually Transmitted Infections can compromise even the strongest person’s general health. Those who have participated in oral, anal, or vaginal sex, with more than one partner, are at greater risk for an STI. Not all signs and symptoms will show up right away, or at all. Treating those diseases early on will be beneficial to you. If you test positive for a Sexually Transmitted Infection, you should inform your recent partner(s) to make sure they get tested, receive the proper treatment, and decrease the possibility of the disease spreading further.
What Should I Look For?
Chlamydia and Gonorrhea will not always show signs and symptoms. If sexually active, it is a good idea to keep an eye out though. Symptoms for Chlamydia can show up one to two weeks after exposure. Things to lookout for are: painful urination, lower abdominal pain/testicular pain, discharge from vagina/penis, and bleeding between periods. “In 2017, there were a reported 1.7 million confirmed cases of Chlamydia, and it is [one of] the most commonly reported types,” (CDC.gov).
In contrast, Gonorrhea has its own set of symptoms. Symptoms for Gonorrhea include: painful urination, increased vaginal discharge, pelvic pain, and abdominal pain. In other cases, Gonorrhea has affected eyes, throat, rectum, and joints. Eyes can become sensitive, throat can become soar, rectum symptoms can include anal itching or straining during bowel movements, and joints can become red, swollen, and painful during movement. Not all cases are the same, but it is good to know the signs and symptoms. And again, it is still smart to get tested, even if you do not have noticeable symptoms.
Testing Available At Options for Women
Our STI Testing is both free and confidential. A Client Advocate will meet with you to discuss any questions and concerns you may have. STI Testing is a simple urine sample. After testing, you will be able to discuss other local options for additional STI Testing. We test for the more common types – Chlamydia and Gonorrhea. If you were to receive a positive for Chlamydia, we provide free treatment. In addition, if you have already tested positive for an STI, we can provide free and confidential STI testing for your partner. Without proper treatment, infections can spread and cause unwanted issues. Our nurse will be glad to answer any questions that you may have.
Finally, if you have any questions or would like to schedule an appointment, call us at (715) 425-8539 or find us online at optionsforwomenrf.com/. Do not wonder or worry alone!