Stress During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is all about you and baby. Stress is the last thing you want to worry about during your pregnancy. What does that mean? It means put as much focus as you can on nurturing and providing for your baby and yourself. Sometimes you will feel happy, and sometimes you will feel stressed or overwhelmed. Teaching yourself to develop healthy habits will make your pregnancy healthy, as well as make you and your child happy!

How do I know if I am Under Stress?

Occasional stress is normal, but avoid it if possible. It is a good habit to know severe stress symptoms. These symptoms include: rapid heart beat, breathing problems, dizziness, increased sweating, changes in sleeping patterns, and more. If you are under severe stress and need guidance on what to do, call 911 if it is urgent or contact your doctor.

How to Handle Stress During Pregnancy 

To begin with, find the things that are triggers to you. Some possibilities might be: your changing hormones, a shift in family dynamics, a recent job change, or visits to the doctor’s office. When you know the situations that cause you stress, you can find solutions sooner!

Create a plan that you can follow through with. Ask your partner or family to help encourage you when you need help. Do not ever be afraid to reach out for help. You can ask your doctor for advice and tips to help you manage stress.

What are Some Inexpensive Things for Me to Try?

There are numerous things you can do to manage and avoid stress. Things to try:

Taking Care of Your Mind to Reduce Stress During Pregnancy

  • Reach out to your doctor – Your doctor is going to know your health history. Your doctor will be able to help direct you and offer appropriate resources.
  • Relax whenever possible – Take time to breathe. Take time to pamper yourself! Your happiness will affect your baby!
  • Prioritize – Consider making a list. A list can help you cross-off activities throughout the day. Start with a list of three things to do a day to keep yourself from getting stressed. Think about it, three activities for sevens days a week… that’s twenty-one things you accomplished in one week alone! Don’t make your days too busy. Keep your days focused.
  • Join groups with like-minded women – A group of like-minded women can be tons of fun! Wondering what groups are for you? Think of activities that interest you or hobbies you love. Get in touch with your inner-child and remember what kinds of things really use to excite you or things you really wanted to try. Try finding an exercise group, a cooking class, a painting class, a pottery making class, or anything! Your options are endless!

Taking Care of Your Body to Reduce Stress During Pregnancy

  • Seek out childbirth classes so you can feel totally prepared for labor and delivery! Stress comes a lot from the unknown. Ask questions and find ways to be prepared! There are support systems who want to see you be at your best.
  • Try some light exercise to get the heart pumping and to refocus your attention onto something else – Exercise is a wonderful way to relieve stress. Exercise gets those feel good hormones pumping in your body!
  • Eat nutrient rich meals – Your diet plays a huge role in your overall well-being. Good diet keeps you feeling full and happy. Meal planning can help you be ready for the week and lose some stress.
  • Finally, don’t be ashamed to ask for help – You are not alone. Many women have been in similar situations. Do research and find resources made for you. You and your baby’s health matter!

I Have More Questions I Would Like Answered

Stress during pregnancy is common, but it does not have to happen. Ask your partner or family to help make a plan to avoid stress. Your partner and your family can be your first support system! Together, you can make those big decisions. Avoid putting all pregnancy challenges on yourself. Be a team! If you have questions you would like answered find us at Options for Women is here for you!


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