Couples decide to live together for two common reasons – compatibility and financial help or security. What is the big rush to live together before marriage?
“For Young Adults, Cohabitation Is Up, Marriage Is Down”
Research over the years has shown that living together, or cohabitation, raises the likelihood of unhappiness, domestic violence, and divorce. How so?
Marriage and living together are different kinds of relationships. What is marriage? Marriage is a unique union of emotional, spiritual, and physical bonds. As a married couple, the couple becomes a team. They have a lifelong commitment to each other. They focus on putting their partner first.
Why do couples want to live together before marriage? The two most common reasons are to test compatibility and become financially stable. Living together before marriage has been compared to “test driving a car.”
What do people look for when they test drive a car? People tend to look at a car’s safety, history, appearance, ratings, and affordability. When it comes to dating and marriage, people focus on trust, respect, love, attention and communication. Rather than test driving a relationship, couples need to focus on their foundation as two separate individuals who are dating for a potential marriage. Time has shown that it is not living together before marriage that will determine if a couple will get married, but what they have to offer their partner.
Options for Women
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